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CooperSurgical Damaged IVF Embryo Lawsuit

Victims with damaged or destroyed embryos as a result of CooperSurgical’s toxic embryo culture may qualify for financial compensation.


CooperSurgical IVF Medium/Culture Problems

Embryo culture media is a pivotal component in the delicate process of IVF, intended to provide an optimal environment for the development of embryos. In essence, the culture media is the material in the petri dish where eggs are fertilized with sperm and then develop into embryos. This solution is meant to mimic the environment in the womb. It is crucial to supporting healthy development. Even small deviations in pH, nutrients, or the presence of contaminants can harm or destroy the fragile developing embryos.

CooperSurgical faces lawsuits alleging that the company's product, utilized in the embryo growth process, was toxic and led to the destruction of the plaintiffs' developing embryos. CooperSurgical is accused of neglecting thorough testing of the solution prior to its public distribution and delaying the issuance of a recall for an extended period. Legal actions have been initiated following the identification of a defect in one of the company's products by IVF clinics, leading to the loss or damage of patient embryos. The legal actions aim to secure justice and compensation for individuals undergoing IVF who may have experienced the loss or damage of embryos as a result of the toxic solution.


About the Lawsuit

On December 5, 2023, CooperSurgical issued a recall notice to fertility clinics, citing numerous complaints from IVF clinics regarding elevated rates of embryo development failure among their patients. The recall notice emphasized the company's lack of prior knowledge about the defect's existence or cause until the sudden surge in clinic complaints. As per the lawsuits, it is claimed that the company failed to conduct sufficient testing of its product and only initiated the recall after the damage had already occurred. The recall notice exclusively reached fertility clinics utilizing the flawed products. Due to CooperSurgical's failure to directly inform affected patients, individuals only became aware of the impact of the toxic solution on their fertility treatment if their respective clinics notified them.


More Info

If you underwent fertility treatment between October 2023 and the present, there is a possibility that the development of your embryos was compromised by the defective product. If you or a loved one experienced damaged or destroyed embryos as a result of CooperSurgical’s toxic culture, you may qualify for significant financial compensation.

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